Well I'm sorry we haven't put up pics lately, it's been a rough couple of months. But to let all our friends who don't know, know, Franny and I are breaking up. I know lots of my friends think it's his fault but it's not, and I hope everyone supports both of us and won't jump to conclusions. It's simply best for us and the kids if we'd seperate right now. So please keep us in your prayers for this whole situation, also for finances we both need and for the pregnancy to keep going well. We love you all so much and we're lucky to have such great friends. I know it's kind of weird to post this so publicly but since only our friends visit our blog I thought it'd be fine, especially 'cause it's kind of hard for me to individually tell everyone and since I'm a crybaby u can imagine how stressful it is, hehe. We love you all!